氏  名

Sergio Mazzarelli

職  名


学  位
略  歴

Doctor of Philosophy (English)


CALL, European Language Portfolio, Learner Autonomy, Media Studies, Moodle, Shakespeare


Academic English I-II, Academic Writing, English Media Literacy, Special Lectures in English Literature I-II (Graduate Course)


The Japan Association for Language Teaching, The Shakespeare Society of Japan


【学術論文等】 ・“Audio-Recorded Speaking Assignments and Feedback via Moodle: Teacher and Student Perceptions.” Kwassui Bulletin, vol. 66, 2023, pp. 11-25. ・“Listening Journals: A Valuable Addition to Listening Classes.” Kwassui Bulletin: Faculty of Humanities, vol. 61, 2018, pp. 23-36. ・“The European Language Portfolio, Moodle, and Peer Evaluation: A Simplified Approach.” Kwassui Bulletin: Faculty of Humanities, vol. 59, 2016, pp. 93-107. ・“Using the European Language Portfolio and Moodle to Enhance Presentation Skills.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 58, 2015, pp. 105-122. ・“A Summary of a Teacher’s Experiences with Audio and Video in Moodle.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 57, 2014, pp. 35-48. ・“Piloting a Listening Test for Placement Purposes.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 54, 2011, pp. 15-20 (coauthored with Andrew Gorringe). ・“Narrated Video Slideshows and an International Class Exchange.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 51, 2008, pp. 15-42. ・“Piloting Moodle: The Experience of Two Kwassui Teachers and Their Students.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 49, 2006, pp. 63-85 (coauthored with Andrew Gorringe). Review of Shakespeare and Machiavelli, by John Roe. Studies in English Literature [The English Literary Society of Japan], English Number, vol. 46, 2005, pp. 207-14. ・“Ordinary Women and Virgin Queens: An Elizabethan Philosopher’s Beliefs about Women.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 48, 2005, pp. 27-51. ・“An Elizabethan Philosopher and Machiavelli.” Studies in English Literature [The English Literary Society of Japan], vol. 76, no. 1, 1999, pp. 1-11. 【著書等】 ・「『ヘンリー五世』におけるレトリックとマキアヴェリズム」[“Rhetoric and Machiavellianism in Henry V”].『シェイクスピアを読み直す』[Re-Reading Shakespeare], edited by Toshihiko Shibata, Tokyo, Kenkyusha, 2001, pp. 88-104 (coauthored with Etsuko Fukahori). ・“Contextualizing Shakespeare: The Renaissance Debate on the Nature of Slavery.” Hot Questrists after the English Renaissance: Essays in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, edited by Yasunari Takahashi, New York, AMS Press, 2000, pp. 269-87.


・Continuing Education: English Conversation Classes for Nagasaki Citizens (2014 Fall; 2015 Spring and Fall; 2017 Spring) ・長崎県教員免許状更新講習(中学校・高校英語)講師(2012年8月) ・Nagasaki JALT Membership Chair (2009-2012)



My classes often discuss topics related to modern society, media literacy, and media ethics. In addition, I originally specialized in Shakespeare studies, so I am always glad to help students who are interested in Shakespeare, English drama, or English literature in general. I would like students to become autonomous learners. To this effect, I have promoted the use of an adapted version of the European Language Portfolio at Kwassui Women’s University. I also like using technology to help students improve their English skills. For example, in 2005 I set up Kwassui’s Moodle website and I have been its administrator since then. Among other things, students use it to take part in forum discussions in English and to take quizzes about English books they read.